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Why do programmers prefer dark mode?
Because light attracts bugs!
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Creating your first smart contract in solidity
In this article we are going to create your first smart contract in solidity programming language.
Data types in solidity
first we declare data type of the variable and then visibility of the variable and assign the variable value followed by = .
Functions in solidity
Functions in solidity are very similar to javascript function and java.
Visibility in solidity
From where I can access an variable or a function is called visibility.
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Manoj Kumar ❤️🔥
Manoj Kumar is a passionate 20-year-old coder with a love for developing full-stack web apps. He is deeply enthusiastic about programming and constantly seeks to expand his knowledge and skills in the field.
Stack Auth Landing Page
Landing page of stach auth.
Taskii-Your ultimate task management app.
Pillu AI: Your ultimate whiteboard on ... Steroids
KalaMitra - Generate & Mint NFT with AI
KalaMitra helps you to create and mint NFTs in blockchain with AI
A Chrome extension that enables you to have chat with your favourite youtube video.
Snaplink is an url shortner web app used mongodb as database built in nextjs and tailwindcss. Integrated with sanity cms