Functions in solidity

Functions in solidity

Functions in solidity

function in javascript

function add(x, y) {
  return x + y;

function in solidity

function add(uint256 x, uint256 y) public pure returns(uint256) {
    return x + y;

Similarities between two functions

  • Both has function keyword

Let's look what are the differences between them:

  • first of all we can see returns keyword and inside the parenthesis data type of return value.

  • Second thing to notice is that in arguments in solidity has it's data types also

Let's breakdown function in solidity

  • function keyword
  • public keyword
  • returns (uint256)
  • pure function type

function keyword is used to declared a function.

public is the visibility of the function (from where this function can be called).

returns keyword is telling that this function returns a value and uint256 is the data type of value

Why parenthesis on (uint256)? This has parenthesis because a function can returns multiple values in a tupple (in parenthesis.)

There are two more keyword you can see in function which are function type keyword

  • view
  • pure

view - Function only reading variables from the contract but not changing it's values. Read only.

// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity ^0.8.20;
contract Example {
    uint public counter = 20;
    function addFive() public view returns(uint){
        return counter + 5;

pure - Function neither read variables from the contract nor chages variable values. It does not touch contract variables nor see.

function double(uint256 x) public pure returns(uint256){
    return 2 * x;

How do I return multiple values? You can return multiple values from function in tupple (inside parenthesis).

function getSumAndMul(uint256 x, uint256 y) public pure returns(uint256, uint256){
    return (x+y, x*y)

Do you know you can declare function with same name with different argument solidity will not complain?

let's see how?

function add(uint256 x, uint256y) public pure returns(uint256){
    return x + y;
function add(uint256 x, uint256y, uint256 z) public pure returns(uint256){
    return x + y + z;

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