Data types in solidity

Data types in solidity

Data types in solidity

// SPDX-License-Identifire: MIT
// pragma tells compiler to which version of solidity to use to compile this code into bytecode 
pragma solidity ^0.8.20; 
// By contract keyword we are creating an contract with name Example 
contract Example {
    // first we declare data type of the variable and then visibility of the variable and assign the variable value followed by =  
    // It declares an boolean variable named isMale which default value if false and it's default visibility is private 
    bool isMale;
    // false 
    bool isFemale = true;
    // Unsigned integers means it can store non negative numbers 
    // uint is alias for uint256 
    // uintn can store value in range of [0, 2^n] 
    uint amount = 28;
    uint8 amount8 = 20;
    uint16 amount16 = 455;
    uint32 amount32 = 456;
    uint64 amount64 = 456;
    uint128 amount128 = 456;
    uint256 amount256 = 456;
    // int can be negative or positive or 0 
    // It also comes with different bytes 
    int num = -34;
    int8 num8 = 200;
    int16 num16 = 200;
    int32 num32 = 200;
    int64 num64 = 200;
    int128 num128 = 200;
    int256 num256 = 200;
    // String 
    string name = "Manoj Kumar";
    // If the string is less than 32 characters it is generally good idea to store it in bytes32 
    bytes32 name = "ManojKumar";
    address owner = 0x12345678901234567890 
    // address store address of EOA(externally owned account, eg. Metamask) or smart contract  
    // mapping 
    // it stores key value pair it is like dictionary in python, map in javascript 
    mapping (key=>value) mappingVariableName;
    // Setting value in mapping 
    mappingVariableName[key] = value;
    // Accessing the value of key 
    mappingVariableName[key] // it returns value
    // struct is like object in javascript
    // Creating an struct
    struct StructName {
        variableDatatype variableName;
        anotherVariableDatatype anotherVariableName;
    // Creting an element from struct
    StructName newStruct = new StructName(variableNameValue, anotherVariableNameValue);
    // or
    StructName newStruct = new StructName({variableName: variableNameValue, anotherVariableName: 
    // enum
    // We can store some options in enum
    enum Option {A,B,C,D}
    // accessing enum
    // Option.A 

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